Opus #30 – Our Lady of Czestochowa, Worcester MA 2002 – New

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Violone 16 Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Contre Violone 32
Diapason 8 Gedeckt 8 Diapason 16
Doppelflute 8 Viola Pomposa 8 Violone 16
Viola Pomposa 8 Viola Celeste 8 Bourdon 16
Harmonic Flute 8 Flute Celeste II 8 Lieblich Gedeckt 16
Octave 4 Principal 4 Octave 8
Flute 4 Traverse Flute 4 Flute 8
Fifteenth 2 Nazard 2-2/3 Choralbass 4
Mixture IV 1-1/3 Blockflute 2 Mixture III 2-2/3
Cymbale III 1 Tierce 1-3/5 Contre Posaune 32
Trumpet 8 Fourniture IV 1-1/3 Posaune 16
Krummhorn 8 Waldhorn 16 Waldhorn 16
Chimes French Trumpet 8 Tromba 8
Celesta Oboe 8 Clarion 4
Swell to Great Festival Trumpet 8 Great to Pedal
MIDI on Great Tremulant Swell to Pedal
Celesta MIDI on Pedal
MIDI on Swell


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